Building a Cordial World

A Team Update #10

Cordial World Foundation
3 min readApr 29, 2022

Edited by Joshua Scott

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

At Cordial World we have a diverse team working toward building our knowledge based decentralized ecosystem. Cordial’s team is truly international and we have some of the best advisors and professionals supporting us, take a look for yourself here .

Our effort only means something if we provide value to our potential supporters and future community members. This weekly series of “Building a Cordial World” is an attempt to capture the inner workings of our team to give you a behind the scenes look of the big stage, that is the Cordial World Foundation.

This week’s update is provided by our CEO Chris MacGregor.

Chris MacGregor :

People don’t trust politicians.

And the word politics, particularly in the context of ‘local politics’ or ‘office politics’ repels most people who remain distant from it so as not to be involved in petty arguments, divisive relationships or power-games.

Ignoring it may feel like the moral high ground, but our lack of attention to what’s happening in our local environment or engagement in local decision-making can be extremely dangerous, as power can be used for personal gain or to bolster national party-politics rather than supporting everyday people live secure and fulfilling lives.

But the allocation of scarce resources to meet expectations and achieve positive outcomes is absolutely fundamental to a stable, cohesive and functioning society.

And we know that the world around us is burning. What we have taken for granted is crumbling. You wouldn’t know it by the action of some, but we are in a climate emergency, we have a hot war in Europe, we can see rising social and financial inequality all around us, and we can feel the impact of failing economic models.

We need to act. Many people want to do something but often, we don’t know how or where to put our energy, and we want to connect our local challenges with the global issues, and without joining the dots it can just feel all too small and irrelevant.

We can find groups around us. We can use social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp or NextDoor, but they’re not designed to reward collaborative action or join the silos of good intention together. And worse, their business models exploit us. If a social network is not selling us a product, it is selling us as the product.

So we need a new type of professional social platform that is dedicated to supporting inclusive and diverse citizenship at the local level. People and communities put energy into ideas they can be passionate about and with people whom they trust. We need a safe place where we, as people living in communities, can connect with local businesses, colleges and councils. We need a place where the personal-insights and lived-experience of those closest to the challenges can be shared and to solve the complex problems that exist in our world today.

That’s what Cordial World aims to be. It’s ambitious, but we can’t solve our problems with the same logic that created them. We need new mechanisms to do so. Cordial World is about building networks of locally engaged, globally-informed change-makers. Through shared vision, compounding effects and collaboration we can make meaningful change together.

Join our discussion, get your opinions heard and questions answered here by joining our telegram group and social media. We look forwarding to hearing from you ! Keep an eye out for more weekly updates on medium.

We aim to connect the genuinely interested with the genuinely verified



Cordial World Foundation

Cordial’s mission is to build a decentralised knowledge ecosystem, accessible by all, in which human expertise can be shared and rewarded fairly.