Building a Cordial World

A Team Update #5

Cordial World Foundation
5 min readFeb 22, 2022

Edited by Joshua Scott

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

At Cordial World we have a diverse team working toward building our knowledge based decentralized ecosystem. Cordial’s team is truly international and we have some of the best advisors and professionals supporting us, take a look for yourself here .

Our effort only means something if we provide value to our potential supporters and future community members. This weekly series of “Building a Cordial World” is an attempt to capture the inner workings of our team to give you a behind the scenes look of the big stage, that is the Cordial World Foundation.

This week’s updates are provided by our CEO Chris MacGregor, Community Manager Joshua Scott and Kelroy James joining us as part of the Percy Hobart Innovation Fellowship.

Chris MacGregor : There were 7 areas of interest for me this week: the practical design of the Cordial World application MVP, market research, re-branding, pitching our idea, tokenomics and leading our people well.

We kicked off the week with our first meeting of software engineers, designers and advisors in something I’d call ‘grand ideas meet practical reality’. It was a meaningful step towards building the MVP and what became clear, was the need for a codification of concepts. I drew up a list of requirements that I believe our users will want to find and experience when using Cordial to solve complex problems that require expert insight. Erin Liman our CDO and I have given ourselves 12 weeks to pull this together; we continue to be bold and ambitious.

Our research into the pain points of the local councils, anchor institutions and citizens within the South London Partnership continued and we launched our survey for residents of the 5 boroughs. If you live or work in south London, you can complete our survey here.

Work to update our brand began in earnest with a review of our current state and the creation of a ‘mood board’ for all staff to contribute their thoughts. Key words that I’ve identified include: welcoming, inclusive, professional, fun and avuncular. I’m excited to see how this will develop over the next few weeks.

As we look internally at our own branding, Cordial World is also working with 21 students of the Fundamentals of Branding course at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht for the Creative Business program. Siannie Quartero, our Brand Manager and I, provided them with our ‘client brief’ and we spent 2 hours answering their questions. Aligned with our ideas for a collaborative approach, we look forward to our interaction with the class over the next few weeks.

I was also able to use our updated pitch deck with the Percy Hobart Fellows and alumni to explain our mission. I also met with a very talented individual who we would like to join our team as a software engineer.

Understanding how our DIAL token will work, why we need it and how to launch it has been the focus of attention for Jochem Herber our co — founder and myself this week. There are many variables to consider, but the bottom line is that we can use our token launch to leverage and accelerate our development and also provide utility and ownership to all those in our community.

Lastly, as CEO I have to lead as well as manage. I am privileged to work with bright and passionate people everyday and I will do everything I can to make their time at Cordial as productive and rewarding as possible.

Joshua Scott : This week has been insightful and a welcomed challenge. As Community Manager it is my job to ensure that our mission speaks to all early adopters of Cordial World’s MVP. Growing a community around us helps to refine our work as we include community thoughts and questions in the build process. We care about this because at the end of the day, we build and work keeping you in mind at every step of the way.

I had a meeting with Mona Finke and Hannah Lind our Content Writer, to discuss our action plan for the DIAL token launch campaign as well as starting our Discord. We’ve identified the topics we need to cover in order to best inform you. Additionally, we want to make sure that we create two way communication with our content so that you have a detailed picture of what the DIAL token can do for you and our mission. By the end of the week my team and I will have our campaign ready and begin informing you on the 1st of March, should everything go as planned. So please feel free to send us any questions you have using our link tree.

Kelroy James : This week I discussed the next phase of the South London research survey with key stakeholder, David Randall of Crystalisr and curated a full list of contact email addresses for distribution including Councils, Chambers of Commerce, Anchor Institutions, Universities, Members of Parliament, and social media pages. A very insightful and informative meeting was held with our technical team to discuss proposals for the development of MVP prototype.

I collaborated with our new design team member, Friso Hakkers, to create a landing page to be hosted here to promote the survey. Additionally, I created a draft social media text/email to be included in initial distribution messages. Alongside CDO Erin Liman, we spent an evening reviewing the pitch deck to look at structure with the idea of creating an even more linear, succinct story.

Join our discussion, get your opinions heard and questions answered here by joining our telegram group and social media. We look forwarding to hearing from you ! Keep an eye out for more weekly updates on medium.

We aim to connect the genuinely interested with the genuinely verified



Cordial World Foundation

Cordial’s mission is to build a decentralised knowledge ecosystem, accessible by all, in which human expertise can be shared and rewarded fairly.